Someone Once Told Me

World Tour

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1022This is the marvellous Meghan, who wrote about SOTM on her blog – I spotted that post, and when I came to New York a few months later we met up.

She kindly gathered a number of people in Central Park for SOTM purposes. Her own comes from a conversation she had with a woman on a plane, after just having experienced a difficult breakup.

“All throughout your life men are going to choose you, but you get to choose. You don’t have to be with a man just because he wants to be with you,” was the advice.

She explains more about what the woman meant in her video clip. Taken in Central Park, New York.

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"The beautiful Meghan Butler who told me about this amazing website :) "


"I went to college with this girl! She exercised her right to choose then and rejected my attempts haha."

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