Someone Once Told Me

World Tour

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2210“So in 2009 I was in Washington DC and a man at a restaurant asked me to go on a date. I took him up on the offer a couple of months later, because I ignored his emails for a while.

”Finally went on the date with him. We had dinner, we went on a walk, and during our walk he said to me how it was ‘really fun for me to be a diplomat at the Argentine embassy’ and then said this. I was kind of shocked but laughed it off.

”We walked for about an hour, grabbed an ice cream, he kissed me on the cheek and I said goodbye. I never, ever responded to another email or text message again.” Taken at the Sacre Coeur in Montmartre, Paris, France.

Mary runs Perch Mag and has her own blog Fox In Paris. Taken on the SOTM World Tour in Paris, France.

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"I agree....anyone who makes a comment like that does not get a second date."

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