Someone Once Told Me

World Tour

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Everybody Is Your Teacher

309His mother told him this, as it is her “philosophy for world peace, and she thinks that everyone can learn something from everyone”. Taken in a lecture theatre at the University of Bristol student union.

corner corner corner corner



"yes indeed this is a beautiful man, you better watch your back sister, I can't be blamed for my actions if I ever meet him. "


"this is perhaps the most beautiful picture of a man I have ever seen - what a magnifinificent specimen. I love you Rupert"


"This is probably one of the few REAL truths in the world!"


"...since it is not that spread, I guess. But now this is something. Congratulations. :)"


"I saw your site in Flickr and must say that I'm sincerely amazed. I like both types of photography: conceptual and beauty-for-itself, but I had never had the chance to explore deeper in the first one"

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