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Strength Is Something You Choose

1128Savannah sent this in from Texas, US. She wrote: “I made some bad choices. I got pregnant with a child I most definitely would not have been able to support so I decided to take the route of adoption. The adoptive parents are amazing. I met and had lunch with them a few days after having the baby.

"I was a mess. I was depressed, I was mad at myself, I was mad at the world. The adoptive mother told me that I choose to be sad. I choose to be mad.

"She said exactly to me, 'Strength is something you choose.' I can either choose to see that Ive made a bad choice that is going to live with me for the rest of my life or I can choose to see that I've turned a mistake into a blessing for someone else and a lesson for myself well learned. I helped those two people have the family they would have never been able to make on their own.”

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"Your message is a challenge to me, who sits here as an adult adoptee given to an abusive home. It has taken years to dissect, parse and otherwise pick apart what went where, losing and finding myself"

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