Someone Once Told Me

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Il Semble Que La Perfection Soit Atteinte Non Quand Il N'y A Plus Rien A Ajounter, Mais Quand Il N'y Aplus Rien A Retrancher

1029Foreign Language Friday: Jonas Rabbe sent this in from Søllerød, Denmark.through the SOTM Flickr group. It means: “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

Jonas wrote: “One of my colleagues told me this quote from Antoine de Saint Exupéry, although he said it in English. For some reason it really resonates with me, and I try to live by it, at work as in the rest of my life. I guess you could also write it in another way: KISS.

“Taken at my usual corner at home: white wall behind, white wall to the right, stairs where you can fall to your sudden death to the left, perfect place for taking simply lit portraits.”

corner corner corner corner


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