Someone Once Told Me

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Will You Still Be My Friend?

720Lee Mansfield sent this large SOTM message in from Plymouth, England. He wrote: “It's a typical story of heartbreak; my girlfriend of a few years back decided to break up with me whilst we were in bed, accept she wasn't overly clear with what her intentions were, until she said "will you still be my friend?", when it suddenly hit home.

"That particular expression has always seemed like a stupid thing to say say to someone during any part of a breakup, but to me it was the defining part of the experience, when everything suddenly clicked. Because I'm a walking cliche it also made it as a lyric in the 'breakup' song.

"I took the picture using a tripod and self timer, and its taken in the very room on the very bed of the breakup, and there was some minimal brightness adjustments as well as the greyscaling.”

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Jane Lane

"I love this. It is amazingly unpathetic."

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