897A young woman called A sent this in from Milledgeville, Georgia, USA. She wrote: It's never been hard to make me cry. In fact, in the past few years I don't even know if a day has gone by when I haven't, even if it's just meaningless...And with that being said, this quote kind of relates to that.
"A few months ago, I was going through a lot of stuff. So much to the point where my friends say that they don't even remember going out with me without having me fall into a crying coma. Needless to say, it was about a guy, but I always had someone helping me. This particular quote was said by my friend Catherine. She helped me so much, even though I didn't even deserve it from her.
"It's recently gotten to the point where I know I'll eventually fully get over everything, but regardless, it was a hard and important time in my life, and when she said this, it helped me get on. As easy as it is to break my heart, it's even easier to gain access of it. But luckily I've got my protectors.
"I'm so glad you did this. What an amazing SOTM! love."
"its funny how i came across this SOTM while bawling my eyes out for this guy, i saw this, and said man! why does everyone tell me that."
"I really like your story. I have gone through the same things as you, and things really do eventually get better, especially with people surrounding you who love and help you and try to make you smile"
"ur hot. true statement."
"Thanks for posting this, Mario. It's funny to look back on a few months and see how much I've evolved. Keep up the great site!"
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