Someone Once Told Me

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You Have Such A Pretty Face - If Only You Lost A Little Here And There...

846 Flooz took this photo “in the office NY, NY USA” and sent it via the SOTM Flickr group. She wrote: “Yeah, great right? Big ego booster... Yeah we're still friends, not close but still friends.

"I rag him all the time about it though. I've heard it a couple of times throughout my life from others too, bah.”

corner corner corner corner



"I have heard this too often, even from my mother!! I wonder if people realize that it's insulting!"


"Grrrrr. If I was there when he said that I would have slapped him silly. "


"Story of my life. Sad day- sorry you had to hear that, but you do have a gorgeous face, my love. And pretty penmanship! Baha."

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