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Oh By The Way, I Electrocuted Next Doors Cat on Sunday

2031“It was my mum today, she emailed me. She emails quite a lot. She was explaining a load of random things, like what she’d watched on TV. But then she just ended it with this.

”She’s a massive cat lover, she would never harm a cat. She’s owned them for quite a long time. But this cat comes round every single day for food. She seems to be getting a lot of static electricity right now.

"So she bent down to stroke the cat. Heard a massive crack. It physically hurt her, the cat jumped a mile and ran out the door. She obviously feels very, very bad and guilty that she’s harmed that poor animal.

”I thought the cat would never come round again. Turns out, on Monday morning, there it was, back for its breakfast.”

Taken at a meeting of the Social Media Café in Manchester, UK.

Our subject’s own website can be found here.

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