Someone Once Told Me

World Tour

Explore the World Tour map

2030“This is about a little two-year-old, who was walking down the lane with me and my family. When he was interested in something he’d say ‘look a dat’. If he was very interested he’d say ‘look a look a dat’. And if it was stunningly, fantastically wonderful, he would say ‘look a look a look a dat’.

”A few days later, when I was walking my own children home from school on a long tedious walk – they were primary school age – I suggested that we played this game, bending down in the lane as though we were two-year-olds if we saw something interesting.

”I thought it would mean that we would look at things ahead and hurry each other along. But in fact, if you do walk down the lane - and I do recommend you try it sometime - bent over so that your eyes are just as far from the lane, or whatever you’re working on, as a two-year-old would be, you’ll find there are fascinating things to look at.”

Our subject is involved with the Dadamac organisation.

Taken at a Tuttle club meeting at the Royal Festival Hall, London, UK.

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