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It's OK... Some Men Like Girls Who Look Like You

1235 Sara Rasco submitted this from Austin, Texas, USA via the SOTM Flickr group. She wrote: “As in, girls who aren't thin. Girls who don't look like they were hounded by Kappa Kappa Gamma during rush. Girls who have never whined about how totally gross they are now that they're up to a size four after having a kid.

“This was meant as an encouragement, a counter to a weepy teenage tirade on how nobody would ever love me. It really was. Only something in the tone of voice, in the timing, in the intonation made it sound more like I had the option of not dying alone, if it was really that important to me. That these men were somehow less worthy or good or desirable than the ones who wouldn't love me the way I am.

“In my adult experience, lots and lots of men like girls who look like me. I don't see any difference, really, since some men don't like model types or Stepford wife wannabes or blondes or... Some men like girls who look like, well, every girl.

"Still, this wormed its way in, and for every man that expresses an interest, I have a few momentary struggles wondering if there's something fundamentally wrong with him for liking a girl who looks like me.

“(excuse the less than ideal writing, but it's closing in on 2 AM)”

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Tom Jones

"True, but it's never the one you want"

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