Someone Once Told Me

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You're My Best Friend!

1384Ross Minett submitted this photo from Edinburgh as part of Small Charity Week, on behalf of the OneKind charity. He wrote: “I rescued Paddy when he was two years old. Paddy had been badly mistreated and was found by the police unconscious by the side of the road. Nobody claimed him so I gave him a loving home.

"Paddy is more than a pet, he is my best friend and is reminded of this on a regular basis. Paddy is now part of the OneKind team and spends his days working alongside me in the office in Edinburgh, where he has made a lot more good friends.

“ OneKind is an animal welfare charity in Edinburgh. OneKind works to restore the natural bond between people and animals by encouraging and influencing positive changes to lifestyle, education and public policy. We are all OneKind. HumanKind. AnimalKind. OneKind."

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Les Ward

"I am a "friend" of Paddy - he is wonderful. Please support the work of 'OneKind' amd help them bring an end to animal suffering and abuse. After all, it's wrong to deliberately inflict pain on animals"

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