Someone Once Told Me

World Tour

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1962“My stepfather said that to me because I was trying to do something and I kept whining about it," says JD Andrews, who travel blogs as the EarthXplorer.

"Another phrase he used to say was ‘if it was easy, then anybody could do it”. So it made me stop whining and try harder.

“Of course I was unhappy the first time he said it to me, but I realised I could do it, and if he had said: ‘Oh, why don’t you just stop?’ then I never would have tried. It taught me that the more you try, the more you can do anything. So it’s a big deal in my life.’

Taken in Edinburgh, Scotland during the Blogmanay event for New Year’s Eve 2012.

The Blogmanay campaign was brought to you by Edinburgh’s Hogmanay and supported by VisitScotland, ETAG, Edinburgh Festivals, Haggis Adventures and Skyscanner.

The campaign bloggers were sourced and managed by iambassador.

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