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Think Outside The Box!

1503Megan Neve sent her SOTM in from Omaha, Nebraska, United States. She wrote: “Think Outside The Box” is something my father has been telling me for as long as I can remember. I didn't think much of it until this past year, my senior year of high school.

This was a time when I was feeling plagued by the pressure to become a statistic of the party scene, but I wasn't having it. Soon enough, I became bored because most of my friends were out wasting away their livers, and I was at home doing my own thing.

”To beat this boredom I finally took my fathers advice and started to formulate my own opinions on many problems in today's society. I began my spiritual journey. I took up running, biking and reading. I found that I need to be my own best friend before I can let anyone else into my world.

I am so thankful to have had this epiphany because it will make me a better friend, girlfriend, spouse and it rejuvenates my soul! I'm headed off to college this fall, and now, more than ever, I know that I will no longer be boxed in.

I've successfully ‘thought outside the box’, and now it's my time to bust through that box and see the world for myself. I've learned that I am capable of anything at a much younger age than most people, and I feel absolutely blessed! Here I come, World!

”As far as where the picture was taken, I'm not sure how specific to be, but here goes: I was home alone on this rainy day. My basement isn't finished so the walls are all that shiny insulation material, which I thought would be a cool background.

So I'm in a box with a light bulb above my head because my mind is always working in mysterious ways. As for the hair, yes, it does look like this quite often and it has a mind of its own. I love expressing myself, and I don't care what people think about it. If they love it, great! If they don't, that's fine too.

Lastly, I would like to give anybody who's seeking to learn how to ‘think outside the box’ some advice. Spend time with yourself! Do things just for you, and take time to just sit and think. Do nothing else but think, and learn that the silence is beautiful. Some people find silence uncomfortable or feel that it's a bad thing. This is not true.

Silence can teach you so much, and you eventually find the peace, happiness and solitude within it. Thank you, Dad! Your words have really impacted me in a wonderfully positive way! I love you!”

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