Someone Once Told Me

World Tour

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You Are Perfect Just The Way You Are

529Sent in by Joel Robison via the SOTM Flickr group, who said the photo was taken in Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada in his apartment building's lobby.

He added that the SOTM project “really made me think of all the things that people have said to me that have sunk in and that I carry around with me. I thought of all the bad things that people have said to me, the insults and the names and I thought of how the compliments and positive things just sometimes don't balance it out.

"The one thing that stuck out above all of what I thought of was something that Scott said to me years ago. When you find someone that not only tells you this but you know actually means it, you know it's meant to be.”

corner corner corner corner



"especially true even if you have to wait 40 years for the "perfect one""

christopher Jack

"this one is just prefect :)"

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