Someone Once Told Me

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You Are Beautiful, You Are Special, And You Are Loved

1135Kaasi Richmond sent this in from Kankakee, IL, USA. She wrote: “I had just gone through an awful breakup. My whole future as I knew it to be was gone. I felt worthless, used, and was in this time, with tears running down my cheeks that a friend took me by the shoulders, made me look him in the eyes, and said to me ‘Princess, you are BEAUTIFUL, you are SPECIAL, and you are LOVED!’

“And I believed him. It took awhile for it to penetrate to my soul, but his words changed everything for me... Now, several years later I still draw just as much strength from those words as I ever did then. And the thing is, he may never know...”

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"I feel lame, but I must comment this and say I know this person. She is super awesome... glad someone told her such truthful words."

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