Someone Once Told Me

World Tour

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1862“I’d just finished a divorce, was finding myself, wanted to go round different places and I enjoy airshows and photography. I’d never been to the one in Le Bourget in Paris before and thought it would be a good holiday.

”I was in the Rodin museum and Vicki was there.

"We’d never met before. We kept bumping into one another, going round the different exhibits. But we decided to go our separate ways because she had things to do. I wanted to go to the Louvre but it was closed. I was passing by the Museed D’Orsay when I heard this shout: ‘Oi, Englishman’ in a strange accent. It was Vicki.

"We pretended we were a couple and I cut out the rest of the queue. We managed to spend a whole wonderful day together. Five years later we’re married, happily, with our three kids that have come across from New Zealand, with a dog and a cat and they’ve adopted me as well. And it’s all good.”

Taken in Porto, Portugal during the TBU travel blogging conference.

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"What a lovely story! Definately meant to be! "


"Super nice story... loved it!!"

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