Someone Once Told Me

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The Language Of Love Is Spoken By Everyone

610Sent in by Anjay, who wrote: "This photo was taken in Germany, exactly in Eastfrisia,an area of germany in north west, next to the Netherlands The story behind this little poem is that a friend of mine and I talked about other countries and the countries we wanna move when we're older.

"After a while we talkes about the languages we have to learn than and that some languages would be difficult to learn,than a boy,the one I'm in love with, said that every language would be difficult to learn and some people ,just like him ,are very bad at learning new languages after that he said but the language of love is spoken by everyone I think it was kind of cute how he said it and this sentence will be always on my mind"

corner corner corner corner



"wow that is a beautiful quote :) "

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