Someone Once Told Me

World Tour

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2405“I first heard my phrase while working at Lanta Animal Welfare, on Koh Lanta,” Maeve says in her audio commentary.

”We used to have a lot of problems of dogs being abused by locals and being treated in a quite horrific manner.

”I was speaking one day to a tourist who I was showing around the centre. We approached a dog who’d had burning oil thrown all over her, and she was in a pretty terrible state both physically and mentally.

”We were talking generally about how the dogs we’ve had long term are now completely rehabilitated and love humans, and the capacity of animals to forgive and forget what had happened in the past.

“The lady then said this to me, and I thought how the world would be a better place if everyone thought like that.”

Taken on Koh Lanta, Thailand during the SOTM World Tour.

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