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Be Easy With Yourself

607Sent in by Chris Getman, who wrote: "The quote was from the Priest of the church I attend off and on. He told me this during an adult confirmation class I am attending after I asked a question about self-forgiveness.

"The setting is St. Cecilia's Church in Boston, Massachusetts, USA (where Father John preaches and my confirmation classes take place). The picture was taken on a rainy day during a bit of free time in between classes. Also it was taken by me, thanks to the self timer. I was lucky enough to stumbleupon SOTM.

"I have always love Black and White photography and great advice. The simplicity of this project truly makes it strikingly beautiful in my eyes. Thank you. Cg"

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"I love this picture and the message - I\'ve always maintained that you need to be patient with yourself. It totally helps that the guys is pretty hot too haha ;)"

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