Someone Once Told Me

World Tour

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All The Way Round And Back Again

1979“When I was little my mum used to say a particular phrase to me when I was going to sleep, which was ‘All the way round and back again, more than words can say I love you’. We used to say it back and forth, and it ended up being a mantra that went through my life.

"We ended up shortening it when I taught her how to use texts to ATWRABA. Instead of saying ‘I love you’ at the end I put that.

”She passed away a few years ago and that was really hard. Then I got the phrase tattooed on my wrists in her handwriting. People always ask about the tattoo and it’s a lovely way of remembering her.”

This is Flora Baker, known as Flora the Explorer in her travel blog.

Taken in Edinburgh, Scotland during the Blogmanay event for New Year’s Eve 2012.

The Blogmanay campaign was brought to you by Edinburgh’s Hogmanay and supported by VisitScotland, ETAG, Edinburgh Festivals, Haggis Adventures and Skyscanner.

The campaign bloggers were sourced and managed by iambassador.

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Jan Berry

"What a lovely way to remember your mother."

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