Someone Once Told Me

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You're Pretty Smart For A Hot Chick

516 Sarah McLaughlin’s picture was taken in her living room in Boulder, Colorado, USA and sent in through the SOTM Flickr group.

She explained: “I heard this gem in a bar in Boulder. Some guys were trying to pick up on me and one of my girlfriends. They were so very pretentious and kept telling me how many books they had read or how smart they were because they worked at Barnes and Noble (I kid you not).

"I gave the one guy the eye roll for this comment and he said... "What? I said you were hot." Being a crazy and giggly blonde, people often assume I am dumber than rocks. I don't get it as much when I go red though. Strange, huh?”

corner corner corner corner



"jeesh... it's the neat writing that's rockin' my box..."

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