Someone Once Told Me

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Han Er Hos Os (?)

119Foreign Language Friday: I remember how Sine was quite fragile-looking and yet haggled resolutely over an item from the local market in McLeodGanj, India, finally securing a dramatic bargain.

Her SOTM says “He is with us (?)” in Danish (not Norwegian, as I originally said, but was corrected pointed out by the subject herself).

Her friend span the prayer wheels moments before the shutter was pressed to get that particular effect. Sine said her mother and sister often say this about her dead father. “But I put a question mark in brackets, because I’m not always sure,” she explained.

corner corner corner corner


Michael R

"Fragile? She looks strong as in persistent and enduring."


"hello sine"


"Great picture:)"

Sine Godt

"The words on the board is actually Danish:)"

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